Why Plant Churces in Florida?


Florida is ranked 20th in percentage of people who declare themselves

non-religious among US States.





Florida cities rank among the least churched cities in the country.

West Palm - 11th

Orlando - 22nd

Fort Myers - 26th

Tampa - 34th

Miami - 35th




In total more than 50% of Floridians don't prefess any kind of faith.






Florida's Population is Growing

According to the 2022 US Census Bureau report, Florida has a population of more than 22 million people.

Florida's population is projected to continue increasing in the coming years.

Florida Needs To Hear About Jesus

More than 50% of Floridians have no religious involvement.  This translates into about 11 million people who need to hear about Jesus!

Florida's Universities are Growing


As Christians our hope is that the students of our universities will grow in Godly wisdom as they grow in worldly knowledge.